We are prayer walking our cities for the remainder of the summer. Follow the crafted prayers and suggested routes or let the Holy Spirit lead you to your own. Cross culture, engage the neighborhoods, and bring the kingdom of heaven.
Father God, we invite your presence into this neighborhood. Thank you God for angels protecting this neighborhood. We bless this neighborhood with peace. We pray that this neighborhood would be free from all harm. We declare that this neighborhood will walk in the love of God. We ask for salvations for whole households as we meet and minister to those around us. May we be the fragrance of Christ to change the atmosphere in our neighborhoods. And may we fulfill the great commission to “love our neighbors as ourselves.”
Your neighborhood Streets
Antioch neighborhood Streets
Father God, we ask that the peace and truth of Jesus be evident at _______________________ (fill in the name of a specific school). We ask that the atmosphere here be prepared for salvation, repentance, revival and renewal for every student, teacher, parent and worker in this school. We bless each instructor and administrator to walk in joy and wisdom when situations arise with students, so that each child can walk in their God-given identity. We bless the classrooms, halls and property of this school to be a safe place physically, spiritually, emotionally and socially. We bless this school with joy!
Local Elementary School
Local Middle School
Local High School
OU Campus
Father God, you are welcome on this campus. Thank you for bringing the nations to OU. Reveal the light of your love through the godly believers on this campus. Draw the hearts and minds of the students, faculty and administrators to know you as the one true Lord and Savior. Establish the truth so that wisdom for life is imparted. Let this truth set people free spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally. We declare your kingdom come and your will be done at OU. We bless this campus with the protection of angels and the peace of Jesus. Let salvation, repentance and revival fill every building associated with the OU campus and let it flow out to every nation on the earth. | University of Oklahoma | 1.8 miles |
Downtown Norman
Father God, we pray for your righteous boundaries to be around our city. We bless the city of Norman with a greater awareness of God’s presence. Let the church in Norman raise a unified voice so that all will be drawn to salvation. May our city be so full of the love and goodness of God that all evil would flee. We bless the roads and highways to bring souls back to Him. May every person in Norman hear the gospel of Jesus and receive Jesus as their Savior and Lord of their lives. We ask that Norman, Oklahoma and its surrounding cities would be a beacon of light for the lost. Show each one of us how to work for the peace and prosperity of this city.
| Main & Gray St | 1.1 Miles |
City Government
(Mayor - Larry Heikkila, Ward 1 - Austin Bell, Ward 2 - Lauren Shueler, Ward 3 - Vacant, Ward 4 - Helen Grant, Ward 5 - Rarchar Tortorello, Ward 6 - Elizabeth Forman, Ward 7 - Stephen Tyler Holman, Ward 8 - Matthew Peacock, Chief of Police - Keith Foster as of 6.1.23)
Father God, thank you for our city leaders and for establishing your government on the earth. We pray that each official would walk in the humility and wisdom of Jesus. We ask for each one to have an encounter with you so that they will have a daily revelation of the truth. We pray that those in authority will rule with justice, counsel and the fear of the Lord. We bless our leaders to lead with godly wisdom and creative solutions so that Norman will prosper and bring glory to your name. We bless their families to walk in the fullness of the love of God. | Municipality | 1.1 Miles |
City of norman
Father God, we pray for your righteous boundaries to be around our city. We bless the city of Norman with a greater awareness of God’s presence. Let the church in Norman raise a unified voice so that all will be drawn to salvation. May our city be so full of the love and goodness of God that all evil would flee. We bless the roads and highways to bring souls back to Him. May every person in Norman hear the gospel of Jesus and receive Jesus as their Savior and Lord of their lives. We ask that Norman, Oklahoma and its surrounding cities would be a beacon of light for the lost. Show each one of us how to work for the peace and prosperity of this city.
| City of Norman | 33 miles|