We are a team of musicians, vocalists, dancers, painters and creatives who use our unique gifts to lead our church in sincere, biblical, and vibrant worship that is pleasing to the Lord.  

I Peter 2:9 reads,"for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.”  Every person who has received Jesus Christ as Lord and has been brought from dark to light, death to life, is now a part of this royal priesthood. Each is given a great honor to “offer spiritual sacrifices that please God,” (I Peter 2:5).

Interested in joining the team?

We give thanks for what God has done in you and will continue to do through you! We know you have deeply encountered God at our church and want to serve. The people who serve our spiritual family in worship are considered leaders in our church.  Therefore, we look for the following qualities in anyone who wishes to serve on the worship team:

  • We expect our team members to be ESTABLISHED, meaning they have been attending Antioch for at least 6 months.  We expect our team to be committed to the mission of our church, which includes the 5 circles of a Healthy Church:

    • Me & Jesus - A committed personal devotional life with the LORD.

    • Life on Life - Engage in discipleship with 2 or 3 peers.

    • House to House - Engage consistently in Lifegroup.

    • Church Gathered - Gather consistently as a spiritual family.

    • Life on Mission - Live a life to share and shine the gospel everywhere.

    This will translate into being considered a MEMBER of this church by participating in a Lifegroup, tithing, and working towards being known by your zone pastor.  We also strongly encourage our team to prayerfully consider going through our foundational discipleship classes: The Well, Antioch Discipleship School, etc.

    • FAITHFUL - Be devoted to a lifestyle of the Word, worship, & prayer

    • TEACHABLE - Be willing to receive instruction with a desire for growth and willingness to be encouraged and even corrected for the purpose of training.

    • PUNCTUAL - Arrive to rehearsals and sets at the designated time.

    • INTEGRITY - Demonstrate a high level of humility and accountability. (No current life controlling issues, addictions, immorality, rebellion, etc.)

    • TRAINING - Complete any designated training assignments given by worship pastors in a timely manner, and attempt to attend any/all rehearsals or equipping.

  • I Chronicles 25: 1 & 7, “David and the army commanders then appointed men from the families of Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthum to proclaim God’s messages to the accompaniment of lyres, harps, and cymbals…They and their families were all trained in making music before the LORD, and each of them—288 in all—was an accomplished musician.” (NLT)

    We expect our team to be skilled in singing and/or instrumentation.


    • Ability to pick out melodies and harmonies on their own.

    • Ability to BLEND with the lead singer and other vocals, matching VOLUME and TONE.

    • Ability to maintain vocal control and pitch, even when moved by the Holy Spirit, never over-singing or screaming.

    • Demonstrate platform presence:  the ability to take the passion for the Lord we feel on the inside and expressing it outwardly in a way that communicates honor to God and inspires the congregation to worship.


    • Ability to hold the melodies and harmonies, even if they need help initially learning them.

    • Ability to BLEND with the lead singer and other vocals, matching VOLUME and TONE.

    • Ability to maintain vocal control and pitch, even when moved by the Holy Spirit, never over-singing or screaming.

    • Demonstrate platform presence:  the ability to take the passion for the Lord we feel on the inside and expressing it outwardly in a way that communicates honor to God and inspires the congregation to worship.


    • Ability to play in tempo with a click.

    • Able to read a chord chart and play in all keys.

    • Ability to play songs note for note, as well as to creatively improvise.

    • Demonstrate platform presence:  the ability to take the passion for the Lord we feel on the inside and expressing it outwardly in a way that communicates honor to God and inspires the congregation to worship.

    • KEYS, ACOUSTIC GUITAR, ELECTRIC GUITAR, and STRINGS - ability to play lead lines and fill space with good taste and tone, including in spontaneous moments.

    • BASS - ability to “lock in” with the drummer.

    • DRUMS - ability to adjust click and help with transitions between songs.

  • The audition and onboarding process can take approximately 3 months.  This is significantly longer than most of the other areas volunteers can serve in our church.  There are several reasons for this:

    1. Our worship staff, is composed of part-time and volunteer roles, so we actually have very limited hours we are able to give toward the worship zone. Each of us is either only part time, or operating under several roles. We do not have any full-time worship staff member. This just means that our hours are more limited, and much of those hours goes toward preparing for services each week.  Some months of the year are also crazier than others depending on the type of services happening or additional special events happening (i.e. Christmas/Easter/worship nights, etc.).

    2. There are multiple steps involved in the audition and onboarding process:

      • Submit Application

      • Application review by team

      • Interview & Audition

      • Audition Feedback

      • Training / Onboarding

        • Attend a Team Gathering

        • Shadow Sunday or shadow other service

        • Attend rehearsal

      • Position Placement (we often schedule 1-2 months out, so there may not be an open position for a few 1-3 months after audition & feedback)

    3. Healthy worship teams require a level of intimate relationship among members, and adding people changes the team dynamic, whether good or bad.  We feel that it is wise to take our time with this process, not only for the benefit of new team members, but also for the benefit of current members.

    We understand that waiting patiently is a spiritual discipline that many of us struggle with at times. Especially when we feel God inviting us to take the next step. The last thing we want to do is then wait after making the leap of faith!  We believe that this is the place that character is either built or refined. And on our team, CHARACTER is actually equal to or even greater than our CRAFT.  As we work together on completing this process, we hope to get to know you better as a brother or sister in Christ, and to be known by you. At the end of the day, no matter how we are serving at Antioch, we are ALL a spiritual family with a global mission to make disciples, plant churches, and work for the peace and prosperity of our city!

  • We offer both in-person and video auditions.  Depending on the season, it can be difficult to schedule in-person auditions and so video might be easier.  However, we will try to make either one work.  If the audition is in-person, we typically do an interview where we discuss your application and learn more about you as a person, your journey with Jesus so far, and then will listen to you play/sing and assess your skill level as a musician or a singer.  

    We have bandmates with a variety of skill levels. We love having super-skilled musicians, but we also love helping people with a passion for Jesus and his purposes in the Earth grow and increasingly develop their skills. So no matter what level you are at, we believe there is a place for you and want to help you grow!

    If doing a video audition, once the audition is recorded/uploaded, we will schedule an interview either via Zoom or in person as our schedules allow.

  • “Musicianary” is the official nickname of our team. It comes from a prophetic word given by Cindy Jacobs in 2015, who used that word to describe the people that would come out of this church. That this would be a place where “Musicianaries” would be trained and then sent out to the nations.  We have clung to this word through the years and are doing our best to partner with what God said about our worship team by raising up leaders of all ages with intentional discipleship and mentorship.

    This manual is a more in-depth look as share our heart for our team, our goals, and our expectations.  This is a high calling.  I recently read Ecclesiastes 5:1, and it said, “Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. To draw near to listen is better than to offer the sacrifice of fools, for they do not know that they are doing evil” (ESV). Sobering words, but God doesn’t say these things to scare us. He says them to help us! God’s Word his Holy Spirit helps us to do that.  We want to be a people who listens to him and obeys. This manual is our attempt at simply reiterating what the Bible already says about worship and about righteous conduct that we are to have as disciples of Jesus.  This is required to be signed by all team members.

Am I ready to apply?

  • I have attended Antioch for at least 6 months and consider myself part of the spiritual family.

  • I am in a Lifegroup.

  • I am not perfect, but I do not have any controlling issues in my life: addictions, immorality, rebellion, etc.

  • I have margin in my schedule to serve at least 1x per month and attend monthly team gatherings and rehearsals.

  • I have read the Musicianary Manual and am ready to support the vision and mission of this team.

If you meet the above criteria, then you are ready to apply and audition for our team.  Please complete the application using the link below.  Once that is submitted, you will receive another email with detailed information on the audition with song materials.


Worship & Tech Pastor

Brian Smith