We believe the greatest gift from the Lord is the opportunity to disciple the next generation! The Family Zone Team aims to disciple and partner with parents to disciple their kids and students. We make disciples through Family Lifegroups, Sunday Services, Kids Classes, and yearly family programming. We pursue God together, learn from each other, and practically live out Kingdom values in our families.

Kids Classes | Sundays | 9:00 & 11:00am

  • Birth - Kindergarten

    Incite wonder so that kids get to know God’s love and meet God’s family.

  • 1st - 4th Grade

    Provoke discovery so that kids learn to trust God’s character and experience God’s family.


Gerod Grigor

Family & Children’s Pastor

Kailey Ortiz

Early Childhood Director

Laura Waggoner

Elementary Director

Volunteer Leader Coordinator

Tiffany Murdaugh